科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台,为了大型企业通过简单的平台注册即将本企业内的多套系统数据进行汇总及平台性的统一管理,同时优化与供应商的关系、交易。除此之外,通过平台进行交易数据的抓取、分析,作为供应商数据及权限的屏蔽‘墙’,实现企业与供应商间关系的增值飞跃。
以任何方式进入科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台网站即表示您自愿同意并且已经与深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司订立本协议,您已经知悉本协议的各项条款和/或条件,且您承诺您有权订立和履行本协议,自订立本协议之日起本协议即生效,本协议即成为对您构成合法、有效、有约束力及可执行的协议,您自愿接受本协议的条款和/或条件(以下简称“条款”)的约束。深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司可随时自行全权决定更改“条款”,您应在第一次登录后仔细阅读修订后的“条款”,并有权选择停止或继续使用“服务”;一旦您继续使用“服务”,则表示您已接受经修订的“条款”,当您与深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司发生争议时,应以最新的服务协议为准。除另行明确声明外,任何使“服务”范围扩大或功能增强的新内容均受本协议约束。除非经深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司的授权高层管理人员签订书面协议,本协议不得另行作出修订。
科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的“服务”仅供依法注册成立且在公司登记机关登记的具备法人资格的独立企业法人使用,并且该企业必须依法注册为本网站的会员。如不符合本项条件,请勿使用“服务”。深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司可随时自行全权决定拒绝向任何人士提供“服务”。“服务”不会提供给被暂时或永久中止资格的科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台会员。
如您在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台网站注册,您同意:(a) 根据会员注册页面所刊载的会员资料表格的要求,提供关于贵公司的真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况的资料(包括但不限于企业营业执照、组织机构代码证及税务登记证等文件);(b) 维持并及时更新会员资料,使其保持真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况。倘若您提供任何不真实、不准确、不完整或不能反映当前情况的资料,或深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司有合理理由怀疑该等资料不真实、不准确、不完整或不能反映当前情况,深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司有权暂停或终止您的注册身份及资料,并拒绝您在目前或将来对“服务”(或其任何部分)以任何形式使用。如您代表一家公司或其他法律主体在本公司登记,则您声明和保证,您有权使该公司或其他法律主体受本协议“条款”约束。
在登记过程中,平台将以系统邮件形式向您提供会员注册名和密码。您须自行负责对您的会员注册名和密码保密,且须对您在会员注册名和密码下发生的所有活动承担责任。您同意:(a) 如发现任何人未经授权使用您的会员注册名或密码,或发生违反保密规定的任何其他情况,您会立即通知深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司;及 (b) 确保您在每个上网时段结束时,以正确步骤离开网站。深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司不能也不会对因您未能遵守本款规定而发生的任何损失或损毁负责。
本公司网站仅作为科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台服务的平台。但是,本公司不能保证您提供各项信息的真实性、准确性、完整性;亦不能控制您信息的安全或合法性以及其他各方登陆本网站履行相关义务的能力。本公司不能也不会控制相关方能否履行协议义务。此外,您应注意到由于硬盘损毁、网络黑客等技术原因导致您上传至本网站的信息损毁的风险是客观存在的。
“您的资料”包括您在注册、上传过程中、在任何公开信息场合或通过任何电子邮件形式,向本公司或其他用户提供的任何资料,包括数据、文本、软件、音乐、声响、照片、图画、影像、词句或其他材料。您应对“您的资料”负全部责任,而本公司仅作为您在网上发布和刊登“您的资料”的被动渠道。但是,倘若本公司认为“您的资料”可能使本公司承担任何法律或道义上的责任,或可能使本公司(全部或部分地)失去本公司的互联网服务供应商或其他供应商的服务,或您未在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台规定的期限内登录或再次登录网站,则本公司可自行全权决定对“您的资料”采取本公司认为必要或适当的任何行动,包括但不限于删除该类资料。您应保证提交科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的素材、对科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台“服务”的使用及使用科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台“服务”所产生的成果未侵犯任何第三方的合法权益。如有第三方基于侵犯版权、侵犯第三人之权益或违反中国法律法规或其他适用的法律等原因而向深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司提起索赔、诉讼或可能向其提起诉讼,则您应赔偿深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司因此承担的费用或损失,并使深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司完全免责。如果第三方机构或个人对您使用科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台“服务”及其相关素材的知识产权归属提出质疑或投诉,您有责任出具相关知识产权证明材料,并配合深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司相关投诉处理工作。您特此保证,您对提交给科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的“您的资料”拥有全部权利,包括全部版权。您确认,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台没有责任去认定或决定您提交给本公司的资料哪些是应当受到保护的,对享有“服务”的其他用户使用“您的资料”,本公司也不必负责。
您同意,“您的资料”:a. 不会有欺诈成份,与售卖伪造或盗窃无涉;b. 不会侵犯任何第三方对该资料享有的物权,或版权、专利、商标、商业秘密或其他知识产权,或隐私权、名誉权;c. 不会违反任何法律、法规、条例或规章(包括但不限于关于规范出口管理、贸易配额、保护消费者、不正当竞争或虚假广告的法律、法规、条例或规章);d. 不会含有诽谤(包括商业诽谤)、非法恐吓或非法骚扰的内容;e. 不会含有淫秽、或包含任何儿童色情内容;f. 不会含有蓄意毁坏、恶意干扰、秘密地截取或侵占任何系统、数据或个人资料的任何病毒、伪装破坏程序、电脑蠕虫、定时程序炸弹或其他电脑程序;g. 不会直接或间接与下述各项货物或服务连接,或包含对下述各项货物或服务的描述:(i) 本协议项下禁止的货物或服务;或 (ii) 您无权连接或包含的货物或服务。
此外,您同意不会:在与任何连锁信件、大量胡乱邮寄的电子邮件、滥发电子邮件或任何复制或多余的信息有关的方面使用“服务”;(i) 未经其他人士同意,利用“服务”收集其他人士的电子邮件地址及其他资料;或利用“服务”制作虚假的电子邮件地址,或以其他形式试图在发送人的身份或信息的来源方面误导其他人士。除科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台明示许可外,不得修改、翻译、改编、出租、转许可、在信息网络上传播或转让科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台提供的软件,也不得逆向工程、反编译或试图以其他方式发现科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台提供的软件的源代码。若的“服务”涉及第三方软件之许可使用的,您同意遵守相关的许可协议的约束。除科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台明示同意外,不将所购买的“服务”或其中的部分如磁盘空间等再次出售或出租;不建立或利用有关设备、配置运行与所购“服务”无关的程序或进程,导致大量占用科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台云计算资源(如云服务器、网络带宽、存储空间等)所组成的平台(以下简称“云平台”)中服务器内存、CPU或者网络带宽资源,给科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台或者科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的其他用户的网络、服务器(包括但不限于本地及外地和国际的网络、服务器等)、产品/应用等带来严重的负荷,影响科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台与国际互联网或者科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台与特定网络、服务器及科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台内部的通畅联系,或者导致科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台平台产品与服务或者科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的其他用户网站所在的服务器宕机、死机或者用户基于云平台的产品/应用不可访问等;不进行任何破坏或试图破坏网络安全的行为(包括但不限于钓鱼,黑客,网络诈骗,网站或空间中含有或涉嫌散播:病毒、木马、恶意代码,及通过虚拟主机对其他网站、主机进行涉嫌攻击行为如扫描、嗅探、ARP欺骗、DOS等);不进行任何改变或试图改变科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台提供的系统配置或破坏系统安全的行为;不从事其他违法、违约或违反科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台规则的行为。如科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台发现您违反上述条款的约定,有权根据情况采取相应的处理措施,包括但不限于立即终止服务、中止服务或删除相应信息等。您对自己行为(如自行安装的软件和进行的操作)所引起的结果承担全部责任。您对自己存放在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台平台上的数据以及进入和管理科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台平台上各类产品与服务的口令、密码的完整性和保密性负责。因您维护不当或保密不当致使上述数据、口令、密码等丢失或泄漏所引起的一切损失和后果均由您自行承担。您了解科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台无法保证其所提供的服务毫无瑕疵(如科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台安全产品并不能保证您的硬件或软件的绝对安全),但科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台承诺不断提升服务质量及服务水平。所以您同意:即使科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台提供的服务存在瑕疵,但上述瑕疵是当时行业技术水平所无法避免的,其将不被视为科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台违约。您同意和科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台一同合作解决上述瑕疵问题。您对自己存放在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台平台上的数据以及进入和管理科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台平台上各类产品与服务的口令、密码的完整性和保密性负责。因您维护不当或保密不当致使上述数据、口令、密码等丢失或泄漏所引起的一切损失和后果均由您自行承担。
保护用户隐私是科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的原则。科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台保证不对外公开或向第三方提供用户注册的企业的资料,及用户在使用服务时存储的非公开内容,但下列情况除外:事先获得用户的明确授权;按照相关司法机构或政府主管部门的要求。请注意,您一旦自愿地在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台交易地点披露“您的资料”,该等资料即可能被其他人士获取和使用。
您同意,在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台未向您收费的情况下,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台可自行全权决定以任何理由(包括但不限于科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台认为您已违反本协议的字面意义和精神,或您以不符合本协议的字面意义和精神的方式行事,或未经科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台同意,将科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台用于其他商业目的,或您在超过90天的时间内未以您的账号及密码登录网站)单方面中断或终止向您提供“服务”而无需通知您,即终止您的“服务”密码、账户(或其任何部分)或您对“服务”的使用,并删除和丢弃您在使用“服务”中提交的“您的资料”。您同意,在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台向您收费的情况下,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台应基于合理的怀疑且经电子邮件通知的情况下实施上述终止服务的行为。科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台同时可自行全权决定,在发出通知或不发出通知的情况下,随时停止提供“服务”或其任何部分。您同意,根据本协议的任何规定终止您使用“服务”之措施可在不发出事先通知的情况下实施,并承认和同意,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台可立即使您的账户无效,或撤销您的账户以及在您的账户内的所有相关资料和档案,和/或禁止您进一步接入该等档案或“服务”。账号终止后,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台没有义务为您保留原账号中或与之相关的任何信息,或转发任何未曾阅读或发送的信息给您或第三方。此外,您同意,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台不会就终止您接入“服务”而对您或任何第三者承担任何责任。第11、14、15、16和22各条应在本协议终止后继续有效。
如因系统维护或升级的需要而需暂停网络服务、服务功能的调整,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台将尽可能事先在网站上进行通告。
在不限制其他补救措施的前提下,发生下述任一情况,本公司可立即发出警告,暂时中止、永久中止或终止您的会员资格,删除您的任何现有信息,以及您在网站上展示的任何其他资料:(i) 您违反本协议;(ii) 本公司无法核实或鉴定您向本公司提供的任何资料;或 (iii) 本公司相信您的行为可能会使您、本公司用户或通过本公司或本公司网站提供服务的第三方服务供应商发生任何法律责任。在不限制任何其他补救措施的前提下,倘若发现您从事涉及本公司网站的诈骗活动,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台可暂停或终止您的账户。
本公司不能随时预见到任何技术上的问题或其他困难。该等困难可能会导致数据损失或其他服务中断。为此,您明确理解和同意,您使用“服务”的风险由您自行承担。科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台明确声明不作出任何种类的所有明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于关于安全性、适用于某一特定用途和无侵权行为等方面的保证。科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台对下述内容不作保证:(i)“服务”会符合您的要求;(ii)“服务”不会中断,且适时、安全和不带任何错误;(iii) 通过使用“服务”而可能获取的结果将是准确或可信赖的;及 (iv) 您通过“服务”而获取的任何其他服务、资料或其他材料将符合您的预期。通过使用“服务”而下载或以其他形式获取任何材料是由您自行全权决定进行的,且与此有关的风险由您自行承担,对于因您下载任何该等材料而发生的您的电脑系统的任何损毁或任何数据损失,您将自行承担责任。您从科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台或通过或从“服务”获取的任何口头或书面意见或资料,均不产生未在本协议内明确载明的任何保证。
您理解,鉴于计算机、互联网的特殊性,下述情况不属于科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台违约:科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台在进行服务器配置、维护时,需要短时间中断服务;由于Internet上的通路阻塞造成您网站访问速度下降。如果因科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台原因造成您不能正常使用科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台“服务”的,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台以小时为单位向您赔偿损失,即连续达1小时不能正常提供服务的,延长一小时的服务期(以此类推)。如果因科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台原因造成您连续72小时不能正常使用服务的,您可以终止接受服务并可以要求赔偿损失,但非科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台控制之内的原因引起的除外。在任何情况下,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台均不对任何间接性、后果性、惩罚性、偶然性、特殊性的损害,包括您使用科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台“服务”而遭受的利润损失承担责任(即使您已被告知该等损失的可能性)。在任何情况下,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台对本协议所承担的违约赔偿责任总额不超过向您收取的违约所涉服务之年服务费总额的25%。
您明确理解和同意,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台不对因下述任一情况而发生的任何损害赔偿承担责任,包括但不限于利润、商誉、使用、数据等方面的损失或其他无形损失的损害赔偿 (无论科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台是否已被告知该等损害赔偿的可能性):(i) 使用或未能使用“服务”;(ii) 因通过或从“服务”购买或获取任何货物、样品、数据、资料或服务,或通过或从“服务”接收任何信息或缔结任何交易所产生的获取替代货物和服务的费用;(iii) 未经批准接入或更改您的传输资料或数据;(iv) 任何第三者对“服务”的声明或关于“服务”的行为;或 (v) 因任何原因而引起的与“服务”有关的任何其他事宜,包括疏忽。
您同意,因您违反本协议或经在此提及而纳入本协议的其他文件,或因您违反了法律或侵害了第三方的权利,而使第三方对深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司及其子公司、分公司、董事、职员、代理人提出索赔要求(包括司法费用和其他专业人士的费用),您必须赔偿给深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司及其分公司、董事、职员、代理人,使其等免遭损失。
另外,您需保证:您在本协议履行期间应遵守全部中国法律、法规和规章;如果科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台因您的任何触犯中国法律法规的行为而承受任何损失或损害,您应该采取所有行动使深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司免于承担责任,并对由此产生的全部损失和损害对用户承担赔偿责任。
您如打算通过“服务”创设或参与与任何公司、股票行情、投资或证券有关的任何服务;或通过“服务”收取或要求与任何公司、股票行情、投资或证券有关的任何新闻信息、警戒性信息或其他资料;或通过“服务”与金融机构进行合作;您需与相关的第三方自行商洽并签订相关协议。敬请注意,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台不会就通过“服务”传送的任何该等资料的准确性、有用性或可用性、可获利性负责或承担任何责任,且不会对根据该等资料而作出的任何交易或投资决策负责或承担任何责任。
“服务”或第三方均可提供与其他万维网网站或资源的链接。由于科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台并不控制该等网站和资源,您承认并同意,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台并不对该等外在网站或资源的可用性负责,且不认可该等网站或资源上或可从该等网站或资源获取的任何内容、宣传、产品、服务或其他材料,也不对其等负责或承担任何责任。您进一步承认和同意,对于任何因使用或信赖从此类网站或资源上获取的此类内容、宣传、产品、服务或其他材料而造成(或声称造成)的任何直接或间接损失,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台均不承担责任。
除非另有明确规定,任何通知应以电子邮件形式发送,(就科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台而言)电子邮件地址为sales@vhand-china.com,(就您而言)发送到您在登记过程中向科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台提供的电子邮件地址,或有关方指明的该等其他地址。在电子邮件发出二十四(24)小时后,通知应被视为已送达,除非发送人被告知相关电子邮件地址已作废。或者,本公司可通过邮资预付挂号邮件并要求回执的方式,将通知发到您在登记过程中向科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台提供的地址。在该情况下,在付邮当日三(3)天后通知被视为已送达。
对于因本公司合理控制范围以外的原因,包括但不限于自然灾害、罢工或骚乱、物质短缺或定量配给、暴动、战争行为、政府行为、通讯或其他设施故障或严重伤亡事故等,致使本公司延迟或未能履约的,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台不对您承担任何责任。
本协议取代您和科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台先前就相同事项订立的任何书面或口头协议。本协议各方面应受中华人民共和国大陆地区法律的管辖。倘若本协议任何规定被裁定为无效或不可强制执行,该项规定应被撤销,而其余规定应予执行。条款标题仅为方便参阅而设,并不以任何方式界定、限制、解释或描述该条款的范围或限度。本公司未就您或其他人士的某项违约行为采取行动,并不表明本公司撤回就任何继后或类似的违约事件采取行动的权利。
(1)本网站包含之所有内容:文本、图形、LOGO、创意及软件等之所有权归属科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台及本网站的内容/信息提供者,受中国及国际版权法的保护。对本网站上所有内容之复制(包括收集、组合和重新组合),本网站享有排他权并受中国及国际版权法的保护。在本网站上的内容和软件可以用作信息获取网上交易及网上拍卖的信息资源,对本网站该等内容的任何其他使用,包括再造、修改、发布、转发、再版、演示或播出被严格禁止。
(2)科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台及其他科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的图形、图片、图表、声音、创意、LOGO和服务名称、标识均受相关法律保护,该商标、专有名称、标识等不能在任何非属科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台的产品或服务上进行容易在客户中引起混淆或引起歧义的使用,或以任何曲解或诋毁科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台之形式使用。
(3)科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台及其任何组成部分不得被再造、复制、抄袭、交易,或为任何未经科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台允许的商业目的所使用。如果科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台确定客户行为违法或有损其网站和企业的利益,则科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台和其关联企业将保留,包括但不限于拒绝提供服务、冻结会员专有账户、和/或取消订单的权利。
(4)科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台允许访问客户进行注册并在科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台上使用各项服务。若您的注册信息不真实,我们将随时删除相关信息或无限时中止您的各项服务,而不必事先取得您的同意,亦无义务事后通知到您。
(6)科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台和他的关联企业尊重他人之知识产权。如果您确认您的作品以某种方式被抄袭,该行为触犯了中国及国际版权法,请向科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台做版权投诉。
(7)科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台对本网站上所有内容包括但不限于网站运营或本网站上的信息、内容、材料或产品,不提供明示或暗示的担保。由所适用法律许可,科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台否认所有明示或暗示的担保,包括但不限于为特定目的做的商务暗示担保。科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台对任何损失或任何由于使用或不能使用本网站而引起的损失,包括但不限于直接的,间接的,偶然的、惩罚性的和引发的损失,不承担责任。
(9)科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)SRM云平台由深圳科信、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)通信技术股份有限公司运营和控制,适用中华人民共和国法律。我们保留随时更改我们的网站和上述免责及条款的权利。
KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform Terms of Service and Statement
1、KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform service content
KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform, for large enterprises to collect and manage the multiple sets of system data in the enterprise through simple platform registration, and optimize the relationship and transaction with suppliers. In addition, through the platform for the capture and analysis of transaction data, as a barrier to the suppliers’ data and permissions ‘wall’, the value-added leap between the enterprise and the supplier is realized.
2、The clause takes effect
By entering the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform website in any way, you expressly agree and have entered into this Agreement with KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. You are aware of the terms and / or conditions of this Agreement and you are committed to your rights. By entering into and performing this agreement, this agreement shall become effective as of the date of entering into this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes a legal, valid, binding and enforceable agreement with you, and you voluntarily accept the terms and / or conditions of this Agreement (The following is a constraint on the "terms". KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. may change the “Terms” at any time at its sole discretion. You should read the revised “Terms” carefully after logging in for the first time, and have the right to choose to stop or continue to use the Service; once you continue by using "Services", you have accepted the revised "Terms". When you have a dispute with KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd., the latest service agreement shall prevail. Unless otherwise expressly stated, any new content that expands or enhances the scope of the Service is subject to this agreement. This agreement shall not be amended separately unless a written agreement is signed by an authorized senior management of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd.
3、Customer subject qualification of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform
The “service” of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform is only used by independent legal entities with legal person status registered in the company registration authority and registered in the company registration authority, and the enterprise must be registered as a member of this website according to law. Do not use the Service if this condition is not met. KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. at its sole discretion refuses to provide "services" to any person at any time. The Service will not be offered to members of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform who are temporarily or permanently suspended.
4、Registration obligations
If you register on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform website, you agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, complete and current information about your company (including but not based on the membership information form posted on the member registration page). Limited to corporate business licenses, organization code certificates and tax registration certificates, etc.; (b) Maintain and update member information in a timely manner to keep it true, accurate, complete and reflect the current situation. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or does not reflect the current situation, or KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or does not reflect the current situation, KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. reserves the right to suspend or terminate your registration and information and refuses to use the Service (or any part thereof) in any form, currently or in the future. If you are registered with the company on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the right to bind the company or other legal entity to the terms of this agreement.
5、member registration name, password
During the registration process, the platform will provide you with the member registration name and password in the form of a system email. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your member registration name and password, and you are responsible for all activities that occur under your member registration name and password. You agree that: (a) you will immediately notify KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. if you discover any unauthorized use of your member registration name or password, or any other circumstances that violate confidentiality requirements; and (b) ensure At the end of each internet session, you leave the site in the correct steps. KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your failure to comply with this paragraph.
During the registration process, the platform will provide you with the member registration name and password in the form of a system email. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your member registration name and password, and you are responsible for all activities that occur under your member registration name and password. You agree that: (a) you will immediately notify KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. if you discover any unauthorized use of your member registration name or password, or any other circumstances that violate confidentiality requirements; and (b) ensure At the end of each internet session, you leave the site in the correct steps. KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your failure to comply with this paragraph.
During the registration process, the platform will provide you with the member registration name and password in the form of a system email. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your member registration name and password, and you are responsible for all activities that occur under your member registration name and password. You agree that: (a) you will immediately notify KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. if you discover any unauthorized use of your member registration name or password, or any other circumstances that violate confidentiality requirements; and (b) ensure At the end of each internet session, you leave the site in the correct steps. KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your failure to comply with this paragraph.
7、Your information
"Your Materials" includes any information you provide to the Company or other users, including data, text, software, music, sounds, photos, etc., during registration, uploading, in any public information or by any email. Drawings, images, words or other materials. You are solely responsible for “Your Information” and the Company is only a passive channel for posting and publishing “Your Information” on the Internet. However, if the Company believes that "Your Information" may cause the Company to assume any legal or moral responsibility, or may cause the Company (in whole or in part) to lose the services of the Company’s Internet Service Providers or other suppliers, Or if you do not log in or log in to the website within the time limit specified by KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, the company may, at its sole discretion, take any action deemed necessary or appropriate by the Company for “Your Information”, including but not limited to deleting such items. data. You should ensure that the materials submitted to the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, the use of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform "Services" and the use of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform "Services" do not infringe the legal rights of any third party. If a third party files a claim, suits or may file a lawsuit against KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. based on copyright infringement, infringement of the rights of a third party or violation of Chinese laws and regulations or other applicable laws, you shall Reimbursement of the expenses or losses incurred by KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. and the complete waiver of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. If a third party institution or individual challenges or lodges a complaint about the intellectual property rights of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform "Service" and its related materials, you are responsible for issuing relevant intellectual property certification materials and cooperating with KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. Related complaint KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) ling work. You hereby warrant that you have all rights to the "Your Information" submitted to KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, including all copyrights. You acknowledge that KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform is not responsible for determining or determining which materials you submit to the Company should be protected, and that the Company is not responsible for the use of “Your Information” by other users who have “Services”.
You agree, "Your Information": a. There will be no fraudulent elements, no sales or forgery; b. will not infringe any third party’s property rights, or copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets Or other intellectual property rights, or the right to privacy or reputation; c. will not violate any laws, regulations, rules or regulations (including but not limited to laws governing export management, trade quotas, consumer protection, unfair competition or false advertising) , regulations, or regulations); d. content that does not contain defamation (including commercial defamation), illegal intimidation or unlawful harassment; e. does not contain obscenity, or contains any child pornography; f. does not contain deliberate destruction, Any virus, spoofing scam, computer worm, timed program bomb or other computer program that maliciously interferes with, secretly intercepts or encroaches on any system, data or personal data; g. does not directly or indirectly connect with the following goods or services Or contain a description of the goods or services listed below: (i) goods or services prohibited under this Agreement; or (ii) goods that you are not authorized to connect or contain Object or service.
In addition, you agree not to: use the Service in connection with any chain of letters, large amounts of unsolicited mail, spam or any duplicate or redundant information; (i) use without the consent of others The Service collects email addresses and other information from other people; or uses the Service to create fake email addresses or otherwise attempt to mislead other people about the identity of the sender or the source of the information. Except for the express permission of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, the software provided by KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform may not be modified, translated, adapted, leased, transferred, or transmitted on the information network, nor reverse engineered, decompiled or attempted otherwise. Discover the source code of the software provided by the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform. If the Service is licensed for use by third party software, you agree to be bound by the relevant license agreement. Except for the express consent of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, the purchased "services" or parts thereof such as disk space shall not be sold or leased again; the relevant equipment shall not be established or utilized, and the procedures related to the purchased "services" shall not be established or operated. The process leads to a large amount of server memory, CPU or network bandwidth resources in the platform (hereinafter referred to as "cloud platform") composed of cloud computing resources (such as cloud servers, network bandwidth, storage space, etc.) of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform. SRM cloud platform or other users of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform network, servers (including but not limited to local and foreign and international networks, servers, etc.), products/applications, etc. bring serious load, affecting the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform and Internet or KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform and internal network, server and KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform internal communication, or the server of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform products and services or other user websites of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform , crashes, or users cloud-based products/applications are inaccessible, etc.; do not make any damage or attempt to destroy network security Behavior (including but not limited to phishing, hacking, phishing, website or space containing or suspected of spreading: viruses, trojans, malicious code, and alleged attacks on other websites and hosts through virtual hosts such as scanning, sniffing, ARP Deception, DOS, etc.; do not make any changes or attempt to change the system configuration provided by the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform or damage the security of the system; do not engage in other illegal, breach of contract or violation of the rules of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform. If the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform finds that you violate the above terms and conditions, you have the right to take appropriate measures according to the situation, including but not limited to immediately terminate the service, suspend the service or delete the corresponding information. You are solely responsible for the results of your actions, such as the software you install and the operations you perform. You are responsible for the data stored on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and the integrity and confidentiality of the passwords and passwords for accessing and managing the various products and services on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform. All losses and consequences caused by the loss or leakage of the above data, passwords, passwords, etc. due to improper maintenance or improper confidentiality are at your own risk. You understand that KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform cannot guarantee that its services are flawless (such as KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform security products do not guarantee the absolute security of your hardware or software), but KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform promises to continuously improve service quality. And service level. Therefore, you agree that even if the services provided by KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform are flawed, the above-mentioned defects are unavoidable at the time of the industry’s technical level, and it will not be regarded as a default of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform. You agree to work with the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform to resolve the above issues. You are responsible for the data stored on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and the integrity and confidentiality of the passwords and passwords for accessing and managing the various products and services on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform. All losses and consequences caused by the loss or leakage of the above data, passwords, passwords, etc. due to improper maintenance or improper confidentiality are at your own risk.
8、You grant the company the right to use the license
You grant the Company exclusive, worldwide, permanent, free license rights (and the right to reauthorize the rights at multiple levels), giving the Company the right to use, copy, or Revise, rewrite, publish, translate, distribute, execute and display “Your Materials” or create derivative works thereof, and/or include “Your Materials” in other forms, media or technologies that are now known or later developed. Inside the work.
Protecting user privacy is the principle of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform. The KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform guarantees that the information of the company registered by the user will not be disclosed or provided to third parties, and the non-public content stored by the user when using the service, except in the following cases: prior authorization from the user; in accordance with the relevant judicial authority or The requirements of the competent government department. Please note that once you voluntarily disclose "Your Information" at the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform trading location, such information may be obtained and used by others.
Confidential Information means all technical and non-technical information disclosed by one party to the other (including but not limited to product information, product plans, prices, financial and marketing planning, business strategy, customer information, customer data, research and development, software hardware, API applications). Data interfaces, technical descriptions, designs, special formulas, special algorithms, etc.).
Either party to this Agreement agrees to keep the above-mentioned confidential information of the other party confidential and strictly restricts the employees who have access to the above confidential information from complying with the confidentiality obligations of this section. A party that accepts confidential information may not disclose it unless the state agency mandates it or the above-mentioned confidential information has entered the public domain.
Both parties to this Agreement expressly recognize that their respective user information and business data are their respective important assets and key confidential information. The parties agree to do their utmost to protect the above confidential information from disclosure. In the event of any such confidential information disclosure incident, the parties shall cooperate to take all reasonable measures to avoid or mitigate the consequences of the damage.
This clause does not expire as a result of the termination of this Agreement.
11、Termination or access restrictions
You agree that the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform may, at its sole discretion, impose any discretion on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform for any reason (including but not limited to the fact that the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform believes that you have violated the letter and spirit of this Agreement. , or you may act in a manner that does not comply with the literal meaning and spirit of this Agreement, or use the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform for other commercial purposes without the consent of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, or if you have not used the 90-day period for more than 90 days Your account number and password are logged into the website) unilaterally discontinued or terminated to provide you with a "service" without notice to you, that is, terminate your "service" password, account (or any part thereof) or your use of the Service, and Delete and discard "Your Profile" that you submitted using the Service.
If the network service and service functions need to be suspended due to system maintenance or upgrade, the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform will be notified on the website as much as possible.
12、Consequences of violating the terms
Without limiting other remedies, the Company may immediately issue a warning to suspend, permanently suspend or terminate your membership, delete any of your existing information, and display it on the Site. Any other information: (i) you are in breach of this Agreement; (ii) the Company is unable to verify or verify any information you provide to the Company; or (iii) the Company believes that your actions may cause you, our users or any legal liability is incurred by third-party service providers who provide services through our company or our website. Without limiting any other remedies, the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform may suspend or terminate your account if you discover that you are engaged in fraudulent activities involving the Company’s website.
13、 The service is provided "as is"
The company cannot foresee any technical problems or other difficulties at any time. These difficulties may result in data loss or other service interruptions. To this end, you expressly understand and agree that your use of the Service is at your own risk. The KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of security, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform does not guarantee the following: (i) “Service” will meet your requirements; (ii) “Service” will not be interrupted, and timely, safe and without any errors; (iii) By using “ The results of the Service may be accurate or trustworthy; and (iv) any other services, materials or other materials that you obtain through the Service will meet your expectations. It is at your sole discretion to download or otherwise obtain any material by using the Service, and the risks associated with it are at your own risk, for your computer system that occurs as a result of downloading any such material. You are solely responsible for any damage or loss of data. No oral or written opinion or information you obtain from the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform or through or from the Service does not create any warranty not expressly set forth in this Agreement.
Any party to this agreement will be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the law.
You understand that due to the particularity of computers and the Internet, the following situations do not belong to the default of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform: the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform needs to interrupt the service for a short period of time during server configuration and maintenance; Website access speed has dropped. If you are unable to use the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform "service" due to the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform, the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform will compensate you for the loss in hours, that is, if the service cannot be provided for one hour in a row, extend one. Hours of service (and so on). If you are unable to use the service for 72 consecutive hours due to the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, you may terminate the service and may claim damages, except for those caused by the control of the non-Han SRM Cloud Platform. Under no circumstances will the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental or special damages, including the loss of profits suffered by you using the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform “Services” (even if you Have been informed of the possibility of such losses). In any case, the total liability of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform for breach of contract in this Agreement shall not exceed 25% of the total annual service fee for the service covered by the breach.
14、 Scope of responsibility
You expressly understand and agree that KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform shall not be liable for any damages arising from any of the following circumstances, including but not limited to damages for profits, goodwill, use, data, etc. or other intangible losses. (Whether the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform has been informed of the possibility of such damages): (i) the use or failure to use the Service; (ii) the purchase or acquisition of any goods, samples, or Data, materials or services, or the cost of obtaining alternative goods and services through or receiving any information from or in connection with any transaction; (iii) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmission data or data; Any third party’s statement of "service" or about "service"; or (v) any other matter related to "service" arising from any reason, including negligence.
You agree that the third party will be interested in KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. and any other documents that you have violated this Agreement or have been referred to hereby, or that you have violated the law or violated the rights of third parties. Its subsidiaries, branches, directors, employees, agents file claims (including judicial fees and other professional fees), you must compensate KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries, directors, staff, agents People, so that they are saved from losses.
In addition, you warrant that you will comply with all Chinese laws, rules and regulations during the performance of this Agreement; if Going-Link suffers any loss or damage as a result of any violation of Chinese laws and regulations, you should take all actions to make Shanghai Hande Information Technology Co., Ltd. is exempt from liability and is liable to the user for all losses and damages arising therefrom.]>
You are responsible for all relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulations relating to your use of the Service and the provision of relevant information.
17、Advertising and financial services
If you intend to create or participate in any service related to any company, stock market, investment or securities through the Service, or receive or request any news, warnings related to any company, stock market, investment or securities through the Service Sexual information or other materials; or through the "service" to cooperate with financial institutions; you need to negotiate and sign agreements with relevant third parties. Please note that KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability, profitability of any such materials transmitted through the Service, and will not be liable under such information. Responsible for or responsible for any trading or investment decisions made.
Links to other World Wide Web sites or resources are available from the Service or by third parties. As the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform does not control such websites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform is not responsible for the availability of such external websites or resources and does not endorse such websites or resources. No content, promotion, products, services or other materials obtained from such websites or resources are responsible or responsible for any content, publicity, products, services or other materials. You further acknowledge and agree that any direct or indirect damages (or claims) caused by the use or reliance on such content, promotions, products, services or other materials obtained from such sites or resources, KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud The platform is not responsible.
Unless otherwise expressly stated, any notice should be sent by e-mail (for the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform) email address sales@ KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND)-china.com, (for you) sent to you during the registration process The email address provided to the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform, or such other address as the party indicated. After twenty-four (24) hours of e-mailing, the notice shall be deemed to have been served unless the sender is informed that the e-mail address has been revoked. Alternatively, the company may send the notice to the address you provided to the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform during the registration process by postage prepaid mail and requesting a return receipt. In this case, the notice is deemed to have been served three (3) days after the date of payment.
20、Force majeure
For reasons other than the reasonable control of the company, including but not limited to natural disasters, strikes or disturbances, material shortages or quantitative rationing, riots, acts of war, government actions, communication or other facility failures or serious casualties, etc. If you delay or fail to fulfill your contract, KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform will not be responsible for you.]>
This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreement between you and KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform on the same matter. All aspects of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the Peoples Republic of China. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the provision shall be revoked and the remaining provisions shall be enforced. The headings of the Terms are for convenience only and do not define, limit, explain or describe the scope or limits of the Terms in any way. The failure of the Company to take action against a breach of contract by you or another person does not imply that the Company withdraws its right to take action on any subsequent or similar breach of contract.
Any dispute arising from or related to this Agreement or the services of the Company shall be brought to the Peoples Court of Shanghai Pudong New Area and the law shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.
23、Other statements
(1)All content contained on this website: Text, graphics, LOGO, creativity and software are owned by the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and the content/information provider of this website, protected by Chinese and international copyright laws. The reproduction of all content on this website (including collection, combination and recombination) is exclusive and protected by Chinese and international copyright laws. The content and software on this website may be used as information resources for online transactions and online auctions. Any other use of such content on this website, including re-creation, modification, publication, forwarding, republication, presentation or broadcast, is strictly prohibited.
(2)The graphics, pictures, graphics, sounds, ideas, logos and service names and logos of KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and other KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platforms are protected by relevant laws. The trademarks, proper names, logos, etc. cannot be used in any Products or services that are not part of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform are subject to confusion or ambiguity in the customers use, or in the form of any misinterpretation or derogation of the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform.
(3)The KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and any of its components may not be recreated, copied, copied, traded, or used for any commercial purpose that is not permitted by the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform. If the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform determines that customer behavior is illegal or detrimental to the interests of its websites and businesses, the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and its affiliates will retain, including but not limited to refusing to provide services, freezing member-only accounts, and/or the right to cancel the order.
(4)KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform allows access to customers to register and use various services on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform. If your registration information is not true, we will delete the information at any time or suspend your services indefinitely without first obtaining your consent and without obligation to notify you later.
(5) The link service on the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform can directly enter other sites. These linked sites are not controlled by the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform. The KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM cloud platform is not responsible for the content of any linked site.
(6)KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform and its affiliates respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you confirm that your work has been plagiarized in some way, the act violates Chinese and international copyright laws, please make a copyright complaint to the KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform.
(7)KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform does not provide any express or implied warranty for all content on this website, including but not limited to website operations or information, content, materials or products on this website. Subject to applicable law, KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability for a particular purpose. The KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the use or inability to use this website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and induced losses.
(8)The following terms and conditions described above apply to forums, discussion groups, chat groups, bulletin boards and any areas where interactions occur on the website. Online users, who use, enter or participate in any other area of interaction in the above mentioned areas or websites agree to all these terms. This website cannot and does not identify the content provided by all website users. However, this website reserves the right to monitor the content on this website and to remove any content that is considered to be harmful, controversial or in violation of these operating rules. In order to provide high-value information services that meet the needs of users of this website, and to avoid the loss of users of this website due to false, malicious attacks or other harmful statements against the rights of others, it is necessary for this website to establish the following operational rules to avoid this Website abuse:
When you use this website service, you may not:
1、Paste or transmit any illegal, threatening, defamatory, derogatory, retaliation, defamatory or any other legally prohibited information, including but not limited to the dissemination of any seditious encouragement of crime, or breach of civic duty Or any other content that violates local regulations, national laws, regulations or international laws, practices or conventions;
2、Paste or transmit any private events that spread any other person, paste or spread the content with a virus, or any derogatory or damaging feature;
3、Pasting or disseminating any data, graphics or programs that may infringe the property rights of others, including illegally using unregistered copyright texts, graphics or programs, trade secrets and other confidential information, trademarks, service marks, etc;
4、Interfere with other users of this website in any form。
(9)KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) SRM Cloud Platform is operated and controlled by KEXIN、EFORE、EFORE TELECOM(THAILAND) Co., Ltd. and is applicable to the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. We reserve the right to change our website and the above disclaimers and terms at any time。